
User Guide

Image of John task assistant


John task assistant aims to make it easy and convenient for recording tasks at hand without the need of having to remember them. Dates set to deadlines and events will also be used for reminders for tasks that will happen in a week’s time.


Getting started

Download JohnTaskAssistant.jar file from here and double click on it. If double clicking does not work, follow the instructions below.

Running jar file (Cross Platform)

  1. Open terminal/command prompt
  2. Type java -jar JohnTaskAssistant.jar

If the above does not work, download the platform dependent jar files from here and follow the instructions below

Running jar file (Windows)

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Type java -jar JohnTaskAssistant-Win.jar

Running jar file (Mac)

  1. Open terminal
  2. Type java -jar JohnTaskAssistant-Mac.jar

Importing project and run on Intellij IDE

  1. Pull the repository https://github.com/Russell-Loh-NUS/duke
  2. Import the project into Intellij
  3. Select Import Project
  4. Select the repository you just clone. Select Ok.
  5. Select Create project from existing sources. Select Next.
  6. Select Next all the way and finally select Finish.
  7. On the left side bar, expand the directories Duke > src > main > java > duke and right click on Duke.java and select Run Duke.main().

Note: Ensure you have JDK 11 setup and installed



todo [description] - Sets a todo task

Example of usage: todo make a sandwich

deadline [description] - Sets a deadline task and assign a date

Example of usage: deadline make a sandwich /by 29/09/2019 1400

event [description] - Sets a event task and assign a date

Example of usage: event sandwich eating competition /at 01/10/2019 1200

done [task number] - Checks a task. Note: task number is take from the list command

Example of usage: done 2

delete [task number] - Deletes a task. Note: task number is take from the list command

Example of usage: done 2

find [description] - Find all tasks that matches a description.

Example of usage: find sandwich

list - List all tasks.

Example of usage: list

upcoming - List deadlines or events happening in a week’s time.

Example of usage: upcoming

help - Show all commands

Example of usage: help

bye - Exit the application.

Example of usage: bye


1. IDE underlining syntax in red stating “Cannot access javafx.event.eventTarget”

Solution: Navigate to the module settings either by ‘right clicking the Project > Open Module settings’ or ‘File > Project Structure’ and select ‘Modules’. Remove the main and test module by selecting the module and clicking on the ‘Minus’ button on the top.

Image of John task assistant

2. @FXML annotation highlighted in red

Solution: Select ‘Alt + Enter/Option + Enter’ and select ‘import org.gradle….’